$50 Big Bonus for Returning Campers!!!


  1. 優惠專案實施期間: 即日起 ~ 3/20/2024 (逾期報名,恕無法享受優惠) 。

  2. 每位舊生將從 email 收到專屬於自己的舊生折扣碼 (Returner Bonus Code),報名時,請務必在報名系統上登錄該折扣碼,並先支付”全額”學費。

  3. $50 現金 bonus 將會在您孩子報名的營隊週結束前發放給您。

  4. 折扣碼僅限舊生本人使用且限用一次 ,請勿轉讓給其他人使用。

Details for Returning Campers Promotion

  1. Promotion Period: now until 3/20/2024 (not applied if registered after the deadline).

  2. Each returning camper will receive his/her exclusive Returner Bonus Code via email. When registering, please make sure to enter the Code on the registration system. And, you will need to pay the “full” tuition first.

  3. $50 cash bonus will be distributed to you by the end of the camp week your child is registered for.

  4. The Return Bonus Code is exclusive for personal use and can only be used once. Please do not transfer it to others for use.


High-quality cultural camps. Exciting courses.
We look forward to seeing your and your friends' kids join the summer fun with us!